Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The ups and downs of house sales

We had an offer on the house today. Not from the man who called me, but from another couple who had been looking at it for a while. They were told about the other man's interest, so they decided to write up an offer. What a joke! It was ridiculously low and we almost just said no, but our agent said she'd cut her commission, and we counter offered with our bottom line price. They also want inspections. I can understand that, and if you want to for your own purposes then fine, but the realtor told them flat out that the house is as is...we will not give any money back for repairs whatsoever. If they want money for things, they will have to bump up their price. We'll hear back on that tomorrow.
Right after that call, I heard from the man who called earlier. He was asking another question and said he was going to call our realtor to make an offer...and a better one than the couple, that's for sure. I already know what he wants to offer and we'll take it. Of course, he'd have to sell his house first, but I am personally pulling for this guy. He appreciates the positives of the house and the work that still needs to be done doesn't phase him. Gotta like that in a buyer! Me? I just want it overwith.


Monica K said...

I've got all the fingers and tows crossed for ya, Anita!

Anonymous said...

Well, now, see that? Two people fighting over your house. Don't be discouraged! This is great news!

Melanie said...

Oh, Anita--I really, really hope this is it! Good luck!!!