Thursday, January 11, 2007

Pack Your Knives and Go

I don't know why I've become a Bravo TV junkie. It all started with Project Runway and the gaping hole that show left in my life had to be filled with something, so I allowed Top Chef to slide into its place. I'm not sure why I'm into either one of them, really. To say I scoff at high fashion would be an understatement, yet I sit glued to the TV each season Project Runway comes on. I love to see the weird fashions they create, most of which no sane woman would want clothing her figure. When the network announced Top Chef as a replacement I laughed "Why would I watch a show about someone else cooking food? It's not like I can judge the food for myself!" yet here I sit, week after week, unable to break free of my addiction. Maybe it's the personality clashes I love so much, because it certainly isn't the food. I couldn't tell you what they cook. I can't smell it. I certainly can't taste it, and from the looks of about 90% of the things they create, I am glad I can't. Yep, must be the fighting. As if I don't hear enough of that in my household anytime the two children occupy the same room for more than 15 minutes (and God forbid one of them should have sole control of the remote). Maybe it's just more fun to watch others fight.

I've been cranking out altered tins in a feeble attempt to sell them and I'm sick of looking at them. I have an avenue through a friend to sell them at a booth she owns, so I am curious to see if anyone would actually buy one. I guess so since she already did and another friend of mine wants to "commission" me to make two tins for her as gifts in a few months, probably after I move back to the Icky house, as Shona calls it. *sigh* I'm not even going there. I've been too down about it lately and I'm trying not to even think about it.

There's bad weather heading our way this weekend. Rain, snow, ice....I'm just glad we are too broke to go anywhere!

That's it from this corner of the world at almost 1 a.m. on a Thursday morning in Anita's humdrum, mundane life. Such as it is. More of the sameness that is my world tomorrow. Stay tuned.


Monica K said...

LOL, yeah, it's so much more fun to watch other people clash and fight! I think you nailed it... it's the juicy-ness of reality tv. Gimme.
I've never caught Top Chef but i don't think i get that channel because we don't have cable. wah! I am trying to talk dh into Dish Network but he won't go out onto the roof to see if we can get the signal. I'm awaiting the next season of Hell's Kitchen... basically the same thing I'm betting.

Here's to hoping no ick weather.

Anonymous said...

hey, it's me. Can't get onto the site. Email me woman!

Laura said...

I watch those cooking shows and most of the time I'm asking what all things are that they are using. I'm such a basic person. I don't know what it is about those shows either but I do get caught up in them.