Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Light Dusting

Our weather forecast for yesterday and today? A light dusting of snow. I'm sitting here looking out at at least 3" and it's still coming down hard. Boy, what a dusting. I took Bailey out for her walk this morning just as it started snowing. Midway through the walk, I looked up and felt like I was in a snowglobe someone had shaken...hard. I think tomorrow Bailey is going to have to deal with no walk and I will hit the treadmill after everyone goes to bed. I do have my limitations on walking vs. weather and a foot of snow to tread through would be right up there with walking in sleet! I won't even go into how much I hate winter. I'd sound like a broken record. I also won't go into today's disappointing news on the house because, again, I'd sound like a broken record. I'll just leave it at that.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I love your snowglobe analogy, Anita. That's just another of many reasons why we don't have a dog. I wouldn't want to be walking that dog no matter what the temperature is outside. Brrr!