Friday, February 02, 2007

Tag, I'm it!

I was tagged by Catherine to list five random things about myself that no one knows. I'm not sure there's anything left that I haven't divulged. They are entirely random, but here goes:

1. I don't have much of a sweet tooth. I particularly don't like chocolate. I abhor white chocolate and dark chocolate (with the occasional exception of a Zero candy bar...odd now that I think of it) and can tolerate milk chocolate. I will eat milk chocolate if there is a redeeming quality such as caramel inside, but for the most part, I am perfectly content not to eat any. My theory on this is that my mother was such a chocoholic during her pregnancy with me that it turned me off the stuff for good! It doesn't end there, though. I don't like most pies and I am not crazy about cake. I do like cheesecake, but I'm picky there, too. You would think this would work in my favor with my weight, but it doesn't seem to!

2. I have an almost irrational fear of artificial sweeteners. My husband used to drink Diet Coke by the liter bottle daily and when he was diagnosed with Lupus, his doctors informed him that the aspartame used to sweeten it triggered the effects of the disease. The amounts he was drinking directly contributed to his illness and dramatically affected the rate at which his health declined. I don't like any artificial sweeteners because of this. As long as I don't know something has artificial sweeteners I am OK, but I will not eat or drink things if I am aware. And I read the labels of everything. Religiously.

3. About 75% of the time I think my mother is faking her mental illness. I should be ashamed, but after the hell she's put us through, I refuse to feel guilt on her account. Plus, there's the distinct possibility that I could be right.

4. I'm extremely sensitive to scents. Candles can give me an instantaneous headache and I nearly lost consciousness from someone's burning incense once. Don't even get me started on perfume counters.

5. I deeply regret choosing Missouri to settle in after my husband's retirement from the military. I had hoped being around my family would be a positive experience for the kids and myself, and some parts have been good...but overall, I think we would have been happier moving to Florida.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Hey, you're updating your blog more often! I haven't checked in a few days because I wasn't expecting anything--WTG!!! I'm not as sensitive to scents as you are, but I "think" I am, meaning that every time I smell a strong scent, especially perfume or smoking, I suddenly had a hard time breathing (probably so I won't smell it). I hear you on the moving closer to family issue. I was technically in demand job-wise when we moved closer to family again, so we could've gone anywhere. Luckily for me, though, it's worked out for the better. I'd better stop now--this is getting too long. :)