Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Oh, spring, where art thou?

I was just standing at the side door, peering out into the night, watching big, fat, wet snowflakes drift onto the steps. Another night of snow. I can say at least we didn't get what Ohio and other northern states did, but we have had our share and it was someone else's turn. This would have been a wonderful winter to spend up at the house, as I'm sure the fireplace would have had a good workout. You watch, next winter when we are all settled in again, it won't snow a lick. I think I could live with that, though. I really could. I'm glad my kids enjoy it, but I'm over the whole glistening loveliness of the winter world. It has dragged on too long and it needs to end. Now.

I'm suffering through a bad bout of something. I'm not sure what to call it. I haven't had any fever, so I wouldn't classify it as the flu, but my throat hurt so badly for two days I could barely swallow and I couldn't talk at all. Right now it's still a little swollen, but a lot of the pain has gone away. Now it has moved on into my lungs, as all sickness loves to do to me, making me even more miserable. Next up will be my head. It always works its way out of me that way. I hate head colds, but I would rather have a miserable head cold than a sore throat any day. There's something about not being able to swallow and breathe that messes up all life as I know it.

And in the non-news category for the day, our realtor called and mentioned that someone is coming back to look at our house for a third time, this time to measure the rooms. Know what my response is? Big whoop. Doesn't even register on my excitement scale anymore. I've been down that hope road too many times to bother and you know what? It's more of an annoyance to even know people are looking at the place at this point than sitting around dreaming of an offer. As far as I'm concerned, it's my house, it's not going to sell, and they are trespassing. I'll be relieved to take the "For Sale" sign down in another six weeks. So don't cross your fingers for me, because I sure won't be. ;)


Just Say Julie said...

gotcha! no fingers crossed here! sorry about the sickness - mine's in my throat right now. ick!

Monica K said...

I'll echo what Catherine said. ;)Hope you feel better soon, Anita. Rest!

Laura said...

I'm with you, I'd rather be stuffed up and feeling yucky than have a sore throat. Those are the worst!
As soon as it warms up you'll be feeling better. Spring isn't too far off. Hang in there!