Sunday, February 04, 2007

Trudging on

I weighed in this morning and found I am one pound shy of a twenty pound weight loss. I'm still feeling so incredibly motivated right now, and that just isn't like me. I'll take it for as long as it lasts, though.

We are expecting the temperature to climb to a balmy, spf-concerning 44* on Tuesday. I can hardly wait. Of course, that is to be directly followed by another drop into the freezing cold and more snow. We may even get "heavy precipitation" on Wednesday or Thursday. Maybe I should take this as a direct sign that I am supposed to leave this state. Just pack everything up, burn down the house that will not sell, and head south where snow is such a rarity people actually welcome it when they see it. I don't know how Canadians and Alaskans do it. I really don't. There was a time when I loved snow and reveled in its beauty. That was sometime before I had to drive in it, had to keep the gas tank full so we didn't freeze, and long before I had to worry about bundling my kids up to keep them from suffering frostbite just to go make snow angels. Perhaps someday I'll be able to enjoy the serenity to be found walking in a gentle snowfall again, listening to nothing but the crunch of my boots while strolling through the glistening landscape. But somehow I think winter is ruined to me forever. Have a wonderful week.


Jessica Bellus Photography said...

Sorry that the Winter has got you down.. Im sure Ill be feeling that soon enough..

Melanie said...

Congrats on the weight loss, Anita!