Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Quick update

The weather has been gorgeous here. It has topped 80* several times, has been so breezy and pretty, and I've seen my share of birds and butterflies. Ahhhhh spring. I love it!
In house news, much as I hate to even update it for fear of jinxing something, we are under contract again. This is likely the last chance as far as selling it goes. If this contract goes under, we'll probably have to move back to the old house and spend another miserable decade working on that place. I really don't want to think about it, but it could happen. Keep your fingers crossed.
The kids and John are off for the week thanks to spring break. I might be climbing the walls by the time they go back to school. Two days in and I want to tear my hair out. It doesn't help that Shona is sick and whining. Here's to the week passing quickly!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

We have Easter Break in another week. I'll actually be sad that if I'm working that week when everyone else will be on vacation. Hang in there, with Spring Break AND the house. I'm sending you lots of good luck vibes!