With the winter we've had, the stress of trying to sell the house, and illness all around, I haven't had many really good days lately. Today was one. It started off with an early morning walk with the dog before everyone else woke up. I don't ordinarily do mornings by choice, but Shona had kept me up most of the night with her coughing and it was listen to it more or get up and do something. After my walk and shower, the mortgage man called to say we'd been pre-approved for a loan and for even more than I was expecting. That doesn't mean I want to borrow more than we'd planned because I know our comfort level on a mortgage payment, but it's nice that they have faith in us.
Next up, I did some research for Katy. She'd asked to go take her learner's permit test at the DMV, and we knew it was only during certain days of the week. Sure enough, it was Thursday. I was afraid I didn't have the right ID for her since I couldn't find her birth certificate (I need to order it again), but they take passports as proof of ID...even expired ones, so we were good to go. She took her test and passed on the very first try, but their machine was broken and they couldn't get her processed for her permit. We'll go back tomorrow or Saturday for it, but I'm very proud of her. It wasn't until after we left that she admitted she'd only read through half the book. Geez. Teens!
I had an eye appointment, at which I was going to gripe at the doctor because it took them TWO MONTHS to get me in for a simple follow up, but I was in too good of a mood. Even Shona puking in McDonald's didn't phase me and normally it would. Nope, not today. Not even when I had to clean it out of her leather shoe later because she was in the process of putting her shoes on when the heaving started and she was using the shoe to catch it. That's probably more of an image than you needed, huh?
I bought both girls a rubber duck at Wal Mart while we were there. It was just a silly thing, they both wanted one and I was in the mood. They have been squeaking them all afternoon. I also relented and bought some bleach to tip the ends of Katy's hair with. She loves it and now wants to add a little splash of purple at the very edges. Oh, the fun of a girls' day out. The bad part is John has the camera out of town and I didn't get to capture a thing on film.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Quick update
The weather has been gorgeous here. It has topped 80* several times, has been so breezy and pretty, and I've seen my share of birds and butterflies. Ahhhhh spring. I love it!
In house news, much as I hate to even update it for fear of jinxing something, we are under contract again. This is likely the last chance as far as selling it goes. If this contract goes under, we'll probably have to move back to the old house and spend another miserable decade working on that place. I really don't want to think about it, but it could happen. Keep your fingers crossed.
The kids and John are off for the week thanks to spring break. I might be climbing the walls by the time they go back to school. Two days in and I want to tear my hair out. It doesn't help that Shona is sick and whining. Here's to the week passing quickly!
In house news, much as I hate to even update it for fear of jinxing something, we are under contract again. This is likely the last chance as far as selling it goes. If this contract goes under, we'll probably have to move back to the old house and spend another miserable decade working on that place. I really don't want to think about it, but it could happen. Keep your fingers crossed.
The kids and John are off for the week thanks to spring break. I might be climbing the walls by the time they go back to school. Two days in and I want to tear my hair out. It doesn't help that Shona is sick and whining. Here's to the week passing quickly!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
A New Me?
I have been seriously working on losing weight since the beginning of the year. I decided it was a now or never situation and I was sick of feeling tired all the time but tired of hearing myself whine about it. As of today I've lost 30 pounds. However, I've been avoiding clothes shopping because I have a lot more to lose and don't like those "in between" clothes. I also hate clothes shopping in general because I'm forced to look at myself in a mirror, a fate worse than death in my book. I'd rather go to the dentist and have my teeth drilled. The only problem with my avoidance tactic is that my pants keep almost falling off. Not just in a "ha-ha, look at me, I've lost so much weight my pants are loose" kind of way. No, I mean I was giving Shona a piggy back ride one day and very nearly mooned my neighbors. Not good. I hate belts, too, and the pants are so baggy that if I did belt them I'd look like a wannabe hip hopper. Not going to happen. So....much as I dreaded it, I went to wally world for cheap "in between" stuff today. I was so shocked when I found out I no longer am a plus size. How can that be? I've been a plus size for over a decade. My brain hasn't quite wrapped around that fact yet, and it might not for a good, long while, but I think I can get used to shopping in the normal size range. Then John took me to the men's T-shirt section because I tend to prefer the heavier weight of men's T-shirts. No 2X for me. Not even a 1X. I wore a men's large. That's unreal to me. What a moment. I can't believe I've come this far. I'm only two more sizes away from my goal and now I have no doubt I really will get there. Until today, there was always the shadow of a doubt in my mind, but not anymore. I really AM going to get there and that knowledge renews my vigor and determination.
Friday, March 16, 2007
A Scrapper's Life

I have been getting a LOT of scrapping done this week. What a great feeling. I was blocked for so long and the sketch and ad challenges have been like cheating. This is my current favorite, Shona swinging in the breeze mid summer. I hate to admit I used my own sketch, but I did. I still love the way it turned out. The truck picture is my second favorite. I was wary of that kit when I first got it, but once I busted it open, it became one of my all time favorites. You just never know!

House news? Yeah, but nothing worth mentioning. Won't even bother.
Tomorrow we go shopping for the girls. Katy is in dire need of a few clothing items and I need to finish birthday shopping for Shona. That could prove difficult with her along, but I need to shop for Katy and I won't do that without Katy along, so that's that.
Spring Break is coming soon, but John will be gone for most of that. I was hoping to get a lot of work done to the house during that week, but it doesn't look likely anymore. They would have to schedule a seminar out of town during that time. Oh, well. We'll just have that much more work to do to the place before we can really be settled this summer. The one big thing I was hoping to get finished up was Shona's room. We need to frame in a closet, put up the drywall in the closet and hire a drywall finisher. After that, we lay the flooring, paint and move her in.
I'm off to do more scrapping since I won't get to this weekend. Have a wonderful week.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Scrapping away

Scrapaddict is having a week long crop and I've been cranking out Christmas layouts as fast as I can. I was going to print pictures to fit the sketches I wanted to do, but then I looked at the stack of pictures I already have sitting here needing to be scrapped, and I am going to force myself to use as many as I can from that stash first. I have been blocked for so long I'm hoping this drags me out of my rut. Onward through the fog.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Easy Come, Easy Go
Friday we found out our buyer backed out. Again. This is the fourth buyer to back out without so much as an inspection. The first couple backed out because they were unable to sell their house. I can't even remember the other two, just that it was ridiculously silly stuff, but this one just plain got cold feet. I'm really angry and I'm tired of the whole house selling experience. I'm tired of getting burned by insincere buyers. Why would you even put in an offer if you aren't sure that's what you want to buy? Maybe an inspection would change your mind, but if you don't even get that far, you should have to pay a penalty. I didn't used to think that way, but I sure do now. There should be some sort of penalty for stringing people along in the real estate market.
In any case, we've resigned ourselves to moving back to our house and moving on with life. In a way it's a relief and not a huge surprise that it's ending this way, I just wish we hadn't wasted a year of our lives and a LOT of money on rent here just to go right back to square one. At least John got a year of teaching experience out of the deal, so all is not lost.
In any case, we've resigned ourselves to moving back to our house and moving on with life. In a way it's a relief and not a huge surprise that it's ending this way, I just wish we hadn't wasted a year of our lives and a LOT of money on rent here just to go right back to square one. At least John got a year of teaching experience out of the deal, so all is not lost.
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