Friday, December 02, 2005

I've been exceptionally lazy about blogging. Mostly I don't find a need for it, other times I think it would be a great outlet, but what if someone read it? Possibly worse, what if no one ever did? Is there even a point to it other than an outlet for frustration? Doubtful. But I'll give it a shot.

I had dinner with a friend this evening. We live in the same town, maybe ten miles from each other and hardly ever see each other anymore. I blame it on our work schedules, the kids wearing me out, my husband needing time with me, but really...we just don't have that much in common anymore. She isn't married, has no kids and has a job she hates and she complains incessantly about all of the above. I am married, two kids and have a job...well, OK, there is that job thing. We do like to email all day about how pathetic our work lives are, so we communicate all the time. It makes me wonder why spending time with her seems such a chore to me these days when she was once my best friend. I still call her my best friend, as I have since we "clicked" in third grade, but we don't share anything other than superficial conversation anymore.

And speaking of conversation, I can tell you what I would love for Santa to bring me this year. What I miss more than anything in this world is having someone I can talk to about anything. I once had that in my brother, but he is gone most of the time trucking. Plus, we have very little in common anymore to talk about. My mother was the best person to talk to until she went off the deep end. My husband? Bah, we just know each other too well. We know all of each others' stories, we talk all the time, conversation has run dry. I guess I just want a best friend again. Someone who I could tell anything in the world to and they'd understand, not judge. Unfortunately, that's a mighty tall order for Santa.


Bonni said...

Well I'm out here reading it girl :)

Unknown said...

I can relate to that best friend thing. I have my sister to talk to, but we know everything and anything about each other. I want someone I can hang out with too, so I can hear ya. I hope Santa fills your wish!

Just Say Julie said...

I'm glad to see you bloggin!! Wish I lived closer....I'd love to hang with you!

Emma said...

Well your blog is being read, and I hear you on the best friend thing. I don't have one either.

Carolyn F said...

I'm reading too!