Sunday, June 07, 2009

June is busting out all over

June 1
On one of our walks, Shona and I picked these beautiful wild flowers.

June 2
About a year ago, we were dining at a Thai restaurant when the owners took an interest in Shona. They folded a dollar into this little shirt. It's so cute I can't bring myself to unfold it and use it.

June 3
The new gazebo at a local park. It was built in honor of a teenager killed at the park a couple of years ago.

June 4
This poor tree. It's so stark and dead against the green landscape, but it makes for a lovely POTD.

June 5
A photo of my shadow, with umbrella. I wish my legs were as thin as my shadow's!

June 6
I love spring flowers!

June 7
Best part of helping mom bake brownies? Licking the batter from the beaters, of course!


Catherine said...

My kids would agree with licking the beaters. :)

Jules said...

awesome photos....LOVE that folded bill. how cool!