Monday, May 07, 2007

This is getting old

More house hunting today. My agent called very excited this morning to tell me a house that had been listed at $199,000 had just dropped to $125,000. Well now, that sounded mighty suspicious, but the description sounded promising. We raced out there after John left school and it sure It was built in 1840 and I don't think it had been touched since. Ceilings were falling, cracks were everywhere and floors were so uneven I tripped over them walking down corridors. Ick. Our agent was shocked the house was even listed for $125,000, much less almost $200,000! Needless to say, we RAN from that one! The first house we ever looked at here we dubbed the "Monster HOuse" because it was so awful, but I think this one was even worse. ***shudder****

Wednesday night we go see one other house and maybe we'll decide on the country house vs the one we are seeing then. The owners built an office out of part of the garage, which is what John was going to do with any house we bought anyway, so that would save him some time and sweat equity. I somehow don't see it beating out the new place outside town, but you just never know. I'm prepared for just about anything anymore after some of the houses we've seen.

1 comment:

Carolyn F said...

Yep, house hunting sucks. Hang in there, you'll find the right one!