Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Self Realization Time

First, a rant. Apparently, I have special powers in my household. For some reason, I am the sole occupant of this home that is capable of putting a new roll of toilet paper onto the roller. Either it's far too complicated for everyone else or it really does take special mom powers to make it happen. Another special power I have is cleaning the bathroom. Everyone else in this house can overlook a disgusting pigsty of a bathroom and never lift a finger to clean it. I suppose they think it magically cleans itself, which in their worlds it does when mom gets enough and can't handle the dirt any longer. Ah, my kingdom for a maid. End of rant.

I did discover something about myself today. Now I'm not a neat freak, never have been, and I can live with a certain amount of minor dirt and non-cleanliness around me. That I know. Clutter, however, is my mortal enemy. I can't function in too much of it and I finally realized today that in large enough quantities, it has the ability to completely overwhelm me. I am speaking, of course, of the plethora of boxes and junk in my garage. I cannot walk in there and even begin organizational efforts because I am so overloaded with...stuff. It's everywhere and it overloads my brain to look at it. I am the discarder of our family. DH is a packrat to the extreme but when we bought this house, I laid down the law. Everything must find a use and a spot or we get rid of it. Period. I'm tired of having stuff in storage. If it's been in storage for years, do we really need it? I suppose that's why the flurry of shelf building happened when we first moved in because he can't bear to part with his book collection. Now he's pining for a curio cabinet so he doesn't have to give up some of his trinket treasures. I'm fine with that. So long as it has a designated spot and I can tolerate living with it in my house (I recently nixed the idea of any dead animal heads EVER being displayed on the walls....think sudden, mysterious disappearances there) we'll work with it. Time's a ticking on the remaining boxes. I need tidiness, I need order in my world and I never even knew it. Who'da thunk it?


Catherine said...

You're preaching to the choir here, girl. Although I've had to give a lot of that away with five boys in the house. And as for DDTs?? I'm fighting a totally losing battle there.

Melanie said...

Your garage sounds like my scrap area. I hate the clutter, but it's so big a job that I shut down and can't even think about it. About the maid, DH and I made a deal early in our marriage that we would pinch pennies or whatever in order to always have a maid. He recently decided that he could do it himself. I don't get it--I offer to get a maid and he wants to do it himself?

The Mom said...

Chalk me up for not liking clutter too. I hate it!!

And we must be twins because I am the only one in our house who knows how the magic toliet paper holder works too!!!

Jill said...

The magic power of putting a toilet paper roll on is shared by my husband and I only in this house! LOL! I loved reading your rant. So familiar!!!