May 16
We've been making far too many trips here. That means we will need to replace a tire soon, and with the Great Tire Curse hanging over me, I'm afraid that will mean another vehicle out of commission.

May 17
The recycling bins we take our recycling to. We are trying to do our part to be a little greener.

May 18
As if tire issues aren't enough, Katy also lost the radiator cap to the truck. Luckily, that was an easy and inexpensive fix.

May 19
As if Katy needed ANOTHER pair of shoes. But these are "real walking" shoes, according to her. Hey, she bought them, not me.

May 20
And did I mention our push mower decided to die? Did I? It's been one frustrating year for mechanical things! This is the replacement.

May 21
The old, rotting doors to the back yard shed. They need to be replaced, but in the mean time they are an interesting item for a photo shoot.

May 22
My lovely Shona, showing off one of the roses from my bushes.

May 23
My gorgeous roses are blooming. These fireball hedge roses are so intense in color I find it difficult to get a detailed photo of the petals. They are absolutely beautiful in person, though.