Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Through the end of February

Seems like all I do. It's midterm week, though, so I needed a sanity break for a bit.

Feb 23
A random photo of my youngest rugrat.

Feb 24
My poor, neglected and now peeling rocker. I can't wait until it's warm enough to enjoy it again.

Feb 25
I am so addicted to "Ticket to Ride" that I have been slowly acquiring every version out there. If you can call having all but one within two months slowly. Ahem.

Feb 26
Action shot! Rinsing off the garden hook off my back deck. Shona was trying to make it look like the bird was using the bathroom, but she didn't quite manage it.

Feb 27
DH is the cook in the family. This is my idea of meal planning. It always works for me!

Feb 28
Poor Mandy. This just isn't the way to end the month. The worst part is she had just spent the day before putting tires on it and getting it inspected for its annual licensing. I think there is a tire curse. Anytime we buy new tires, something bad happens to vehicles.


Catherine said...

The fast food spinner made me LOL!

Jules said...

I'm definitely going to have to check out that game.