Monday, March 16, 2009

Almost Spring!

It is almost officially spring and I just can't wait. I've even been wanting to play in the dirt and I'm not huge on gardening. Catching up with my Project 365:

March 9
An increasingly rare shot of my two girls together. And look, they aren't killing one another.

March 10
No one can really figure out why, but the snow shovel is still sitting on the front porch. Either we are afraid putting it away will cause a sudden, unexpected return of winter or we are too lazy to just put it where it belongs. I like to think the former, but I highly suspect the latter.

March 11
Our soup shelf, which has been used far too often lately. People in this house tend to want soup when they are ill, and I think we may buy stock in Campbell's Soup after this winter's run of the flu.

March 12
Katy was inducted into the National Honor Society on March 12th. Have I mentioned how proud I am of that girl? Did I mention she was so advanced and downright bored in her Chemistry I class that the teacher admitted her to Chemistry II to take simultaneously? And that she's getting an A in both classes? Ridiculously smart child. She definitely got the science gene from her dad.

March 13
Shona got a new umbrella for spring. She couldn't be prouder of that thing if she tried. Well, she did do battle with it when it hooked her shirt, but once she showed it who was boss, all was right again.

March 14
I just love bubble bath beards. They are so fun. I just can't figure out if this is supposed to be Santa or Colonel Sanders.

March 15
The one thing John's mother has instilled in Shona is a love of gardening. She absolutely craves dirt under her nails and putting plants to soil. It's a good indication you have a little gardener on your hands when you surprise her with a tray of plant starters and seeds and she screams like you just gave her a new bike. Once these take root we will be planting them in front of our house. John and I are also seriously considering a small garden beside the house just to give that girl somewhere to grow things.


Jules said...

Wow...good for Katy!!!! That is soooo awesome. And love Shona's umbrella. Meg loves them too.

Catherine said...

Great collection of pictures! Congratulations to Katy! That's awesome! And I love the dirt-under-the-nails gene! You'll have to document the seed progress!

Laura said...

You have some great photos Anita!
Congrats to Katy! What a huge achievement! And Shona is just too cute-with a bubble beard or showing off her new gardening items.
Sorry the soup shelf has been hit so hard lately. I hope everyone is feeling better real soon.

Stamp-o-maticmama said...

STOP the girls are growing so fast!

just stopping in to see whats up in your life .. your should come by dreamer more... I made the DT there! missin you.. Anna

Momma Jan said...

Congrats, Katy! You did good, girl!

I love to garden, but I want dirt under my nails and not sand and down this far in FL that's all we have. Hope she has a "fruitful" gardening time!