Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More February Pics

Feb 5
Shona and me at a restaurant. I see she inherited that ornery streak that causes those bunny ears to pop up behind everyone's heads during picture taking time. The little stinker.

Feb 6
Remember those cute little costumes from the last post? The ones for Spirit Week? Well, they also have a day when they are supposed to go in Valentine themed costumes. In their warped 17 year old minds, they decided the Valentine's Day Massacre would be a great version. I'm biting my mom tongue about its inappropriateness and putting on my scrapper's hat to document the trashing of the clothing for this little project. I just knew someone driving by would call
9-1-1 after seeing two girls in ripped shirts, covered in blood in my front yard. -insert eye roll here-. Here's a bonus photo of them throwing fake blood all over each other and the yard. At least they wised up and moved to the yard after I made them clean up the first mess they made on my back deck!

Feb 7
Shona, winded from chasing me around a tree. Notice that even during intensive training, she can't seem to let go of the Nintendo DS. I may have to have it surgically removed.

Feb 8
Since I didn't get any great photos for a couple of days, I'm throwing this one in. I just loved the action shot and even the blurred edges. My camera is not so great at hitting moving targets, no matter what setting I have it on!


Jules said...

I'll be interested in hearing what the school has to say on the Valentine's costumes.

Shona certainly does love her new toy, doesn't she? What games is she playing?

Catherine said...

LOL! WTG staying caught up on this project!