Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Shoot Me Now

If I ever say I'm moving again, just shoot me. I mean it. My next move will be to a retirement home. No other move in the history of moves (and I've moved so many times I've literally lost count) has kicked my butt as hard as this one. Of course, that could be because before I even got the joy of moving, I spent a solid week scraping wallpaper (over 30 hours of that alone), painting (I'm STILL painting!), building a fence, building a closet (still working on that one), cleaning, packing....oh, bother. I have been nonstop busy since we signed those papers and I am worn out, frazzled and really ready for a vacation. Tomorrow I get to clean out the rental unit (can't wait, rah) and Friday we do the final things like mowing the lawn. I cannot WAIT to be finished with that place and I am so over moving. Seriously. If I even joke about it, have me committed. The nearest looney bin is two hours north in my hometown. I'm sure they'll leave a light on for me.


Catherine said...

LOL!! Sorry, didn't mean to laugh, but the "leave the light on" comment made me giggle. I've told DH the same thing. I'm not moving this house again.

Melanie said...

I hear you! I'd rather spend a bunch of money on this house than move! Hang in there!