Saturday, June 09, 2007

And so it begins

The house is bought and the fence posts are sunk. They will spend a couple of days curing in the concrete before we string the rest of the fence. It'll be so nice for Bailey to have a real yard again. I have to admit, none of it seems real and it hasn't sunk in yet that we are homeowners once again. I guess having the keys and access to the house will help that! If they get out early, we could get it next Friday, but the official date is the 18th. When we moved the closing up, we couldn't change the possession date, but it wasn't a big deal since we just wanted the extra time to build the fence. Now to pack what we will before carrying it over. No pictures so far, we've been too busy.


Catherine said...

Woohoo!!! A yard for the pup! Good luck getting everything done!

Sandra a.k.a. scrapfreak1 said...

congratz on your house anita.. that is just way too cool.. best wishes..

Melanie said...

You'll have to get a photo when you finally move in. How exciting!

BTW, you're tagged! ;)

Monica K said...

Are you all packed up and moved yet? I know it's a hassle with house buying but it's also so stinking exciting to start fresh!

Melanie beat me here but I'm tagging you again. :)