Friday, April 13, 2007

A long night and other news

DH hasn't felt well for a few days but I underestimated how badly he was feeling until he asked me to take him to the ER last night. He doesn't go there very often, so I knew it must be bad. It's an hour round trip to the hospital, so off we went. We were there for 3 1/2 hours while they drew labs, did X-rays and checked him over. The diagnosis was pneumonia, and I was afraid they were going to admit him. They did give him an IV of antibiotics that took an hour to administer, then loaded him up with other meds and sent us home. We got home a little before midnight, and he called in to leave a message for the school that he'd be staying home today. Imagine my surprise when I woke up at 6:15 this morning to find him all dressed to head to the school. "Where are you going?" I asked...very groggy because even though I'm a night owl, last night wiped me out. The crazy fool decided to go in anyway because he was feeling better. I personally think it had more to do with the science experiment he was scheduled to do with his classes today involving matches and danger more than it did any work ethic. Men.

We had a late afternoon call from our realtor yesterday saying the people who own the red house we are interested in would like to entertain our verbal offer. Our agent wanted to do a verbal just to see where we stood before actually submitting the offer we have written up next week. We were waiting to close on our house first. The seller's agent was a little snooty and said they have a policy not to accept verbal offers, so we were just going to wait. Apparently the owners caught wind of the offer, had some words with their agent and were "eager" to have an offer, any offer. I would imagine so after having it on the market for a year. I know exactly how that feels and any progress is better than none. The other agent had to backpeddle a little there, which I find a bit amusing. We should hear something by the end of the weekend, and I'm actually OK with it either way. Either we get this house or we don't, but I'm feeling very "zen" about the process right now, knowing I can have something built if this doesn't work out. As stressful as all this is, I do know we'll wind up where we are meant to and life works out like it should. I'll let you know when I know!


Melanie said...

Ooh! Positive news all around. I'm getting excited about you selling your house!

Catherine said...

Hope DH is feeling better quickly...and great news about the house on all fronts!

Monica K said...

LOL, typical man!

Great news on the house and i love the zen-like attitude!

Reading into your blog farther down I have to say congrats on the weightloss, too!

Rock on, Anita!