Friday, April 07, 2006

A Rut By Any Other Name Would be Just as Deep

I am in a rut and it's a deep one. I don't feel like scrapping, I don't feel like moving, I just don't feel like existing. I know it's because we're in limbo again, waiting to find out where John will teach next year. It's exhilarating and frightening at the same time, not unlike all those times we waited on pins and needles to find out where the next duty station would take us. I'm all for a move at this point, especially after the past couple of weeks at work. I am ready to go back to being a stay at home mom, at least part time! I know it could happen within the next year, but if we don't stay in this area it will be measured in weeks instead of months. For that selfish reason alone, I keep hoping for a move. I don't think that's necessarily in our best interest as a family, though, so I am keeping that little beacon of hope to myself.
Now as for that scrapping problem, I've decided to bring myself out of the funk, I need to tackle something that I want to do for me. No challenges, no assignments, nothing that I feel I *have* to do, which is how I spend most of my scrapping time. I want something for me, a project that I can complete and have a finished product to keep. I'm doing a mini album about a week in my life. I've asked some of my fellow scrappers to join me in my venture so that I would have a cheering section to get me to finish this. If I know me, and believe me I do, I will get halfway through the project and stop. Not this time! If I announce on the boards that I will do it, I must do it. They won't let me fail. Maybe that will get me through this big, wide rut I can't seem to climb out of. And if I can climb out of my scrapping rut, maybe I can climb out of my life rut shortly thereafter. A girl can dream, can't she?


Anonymous said...

I'll cheer you in in any way possible Anita! Your creations are my inspiration and I need some so please get to work! ;)
I know exactly how you feel about doing things for others, not yourself. It gets old and sometimes you just need to do something for YOU! I'm behind you all the way! Let me know if you need a kick in the behind. ;)

Bonni said...

Well I see you are not in a rut anymore...awesome LOs girl and I'm with LD, you are total inspiration to ME