Sunday, March 08, 2009

Mar 5-8

Mar 5
This is Shona's newest critter from Build-a-Bear. Cute little lamb that she appropriately named "Spring" I guess you could say spring officially arrived at my house.

Mar 6
Mmmmmm homemade bread! I hadn't made any since the holidays, and the weather was so perfect I was feeling motivated.

Mar 7
After months of waiting and wondering if I'd ever actually see this in person, my Project 365 album appeared on my doorstep today. Hooray!

Mar 8
Even a pretty, shiny new toilet paper holder isn't enough to entice my family into putting the paper ONTO the holder. Apparently that is far too much work.


Catherine said...

OK the TP one made me LOL!! Why is it that the mom is the only person who can handle this job??

Jules said...

Gee, thanks ALOT! Meg's standing over my shoulder telling me she wants THAT SHEEP.

The TP is too funny...well, not really, but yeah.

Laura said...

I bought a tp holder that you don't have to take apart and it still doesn't get touched by anyone but me. LOL
That sheep is so cute! I'm glad you finally got your kit and that bread looks so yummy!

Momma Jan said...

funny! Shonna is now an enabler for stuffies and my family has the same TP problem!

Jill said...

OH MY GOSH! What a hoooooot. The TP happens at my house too and we don't even have a two sided holder. All you need to do is SLIDE it on.