Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Great Tire Curse and other musings

Catch up time, as usual! Things have been a bit hectic with the ER visits for Katy, DH being sick, the van breaking down and normal teen drama with Katy's boyfriend breaking up with her via text message while we were shopping for her prom gown. Ah, the joys of life.

March 16
My latest toy, the Making Memories shelf. It isn't quite as roomy as I'd hoped, but it does a great job of holding the things I do have. I wish I hadn't rid my stash of all the little glass bottles I used to have. I found it necessary to downsize and combine when I had to move out of my scrap room, but it would be nice to have those back now. Oh, well. Here is my shelf half full:

My enabler friends talked me into it and I have to tell them thanks. ;)

March 17
Shona decided the dogs needed something green to avoid being pinched. She made these adorable little crowns, which I had to record. I would love to have snapped a photo of them on the dogs' heads, but...well, we all know how well those crowns went over when actually applied to a real life situation. Enough said.

March 18
A random, silly monster face from Shona.

March 19
See the face theme going on here? Oh, and you don't want to know what that is on her head. Really, you don't. Suffice it to say we were in the bathroom where I was changing out the trash can liner. I think you see where this is going.

March 20
District competition is coming up soon and Katy is a little nervous. She keeps playing her music for me so I can critique her, but I think she sounds wonderful. Um, ignore the mess going on in the background. You never saw a thing.

March 21
The Great Tire Curse. With only one exception, every time DH and I have ever had to buy new tires for a vehicle, something horrible has suddenly befallen said vehicle. A truck we owned rolled in a horrible accident in the California desert two hours after new tires were put on. Our van's transmission went out right after we put new tires on it. Another car had the hood crunched in an accident. It doesn't even seem to be limited to the two of us. Last month, our bonus daughter crashed her car a few hours after putting a new tire on so it would pass inspection. My sister rolled her car two days after a new tire purchase. I could go on, because that's just a few of many, but you get the picture. Well, we should have known. About a week ago, the tires on our van were getting so bald it was beginning to wobble. Reluctantly, we shelled out $230 for a new pair of tires, and kind of laughed off the tire curse. One week later, the transmission blew. When I picked DH up from the tow truck, he even alluded to the Great Tire Curse. I don't want to believe, but it's hard not to when all the evidence points in this direction. If only there were an anti-tire-curse remedy. Just what does the universe have against rubber, anyway?

March 22
We finally have an actual medicine cabinet in the bathroom, and a new light fixture. The old one was so old that we could no longer find bulbs to fit. It was time to go. I hate the new light fixture, but they don't make the pretty ones extend far enough out from the wall to shed light on the mirror. Two teenage girls NEED to see their faces.

March 23
Speaking of two teenagers, it's amusing to note that in some ways they never grow up. These are their lunch boxes, and yes, they do take them to school and proudly eat out of them every day. As Katy says, that's how they roll.

March 24
Katy and I went to the dealer to clean out the old, tired van tonight. I think it was time for it to go. We have managed to get our money's worth out of it. The poor thing has over a quarter million miles on it, the paint is wearing off on the hood, and the wheel paint is chipping. Still, it got us through many years and for that I am grateful. It just wasn't worth fixing this time since it wasn't just the transmission. A starter, struts, transmission, belts, and probably two more tires...which of course would lead to another breakdown. I think we'll just take our chances with a newer vehicle. Stay tuned for the new four wheeled member of the family when we take possession of it this week.


Jules said...

Wow...so much going on in one post. He really texted the breakup? While she was trying on gowns? GRRRRR!!!

The photo of Shona and her new hat is funny...and dog hats? ROFL!!! LOVE the new shelf and remind me not to invite you for a visit when I need my next set of tires. *wink*

Laura said...

Wow what a great "catch up"! I can't believe Katy's boyfriend broke up with her thru a text! That's so sad!
Lots of great pictures of Shona, and love the scrap shelf! I'm still debating.
That tire curse is a badddd thing for you guys! Yikes!

Catherine said...

So much in this post! The BF needs to be taken out behind the woodshed and taught a lesson. Sorry for Katy. LOL at the crowns for the dogs!