Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Time for an Update

As Mark Twain said, rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I really am still alive. Sort of. I kind of exist in some sort of zombie state where all I do is read, do homework and think about homework. Most of my time has been gobbled up by my huge term paper. I read 15 or 16 books for it, plus oodles of websites and other sources. Tomorrow I give my PowerPoint presentation on it and next Tuesday I turn in the 14 page paper. Can you believe after all that (not to mention endless smaller papers) she is making us take a written final!? Argh! Enough already. It's enough to make me look forward to Statistics next semester, and if you know anything about me and Statistics, that's huge.
So, my Christmas card pictures came out OK.
I couldn't decide on just one, so I got a multi-photo card. Now if they'd just arrive so I can mail them out, life would be good.
Look what we woke up to this morning:

I still can't believe they held school, especially with all the slipping and sliding going on down the street. Katy nearly hit someone on the way to school, and she wasn't the only one.

Either my thermometer is broken or it is highly optimistic. Time to replace that one.

At least the house is decked out, even if I'm not quite feeling the holiday spirit yet. Maybe when the next couple of weeks are OVER and I can relax a bit. I look forward to scrapping and reading things that do not involve the old west in any way, shape or form. And maybe, just maybe, I'll do some blogging again.


Lily said...

glad you swam your way out of your school induced coma to say hello. Good Luck on the presentation

Laura said...

Cute photos of the girls! Not so cute of the snow though :(
It's nice seeing the girls smiling in the same photo ;) And you say they fight all the time. LOL
Good luck finishing up your semester! I know what you mean about the statistics-at least there aren't any papers to write. Are there?

Jules said...

She lives!!!!!! Cute photos and BRRRRRR!

Catherine said...

There she is!!! Loving the photos!