Summer is in full swing here, but it is still all about school. I'm taking a summer business course (Business Law), Katy is helping a Pre-K teacher with a summer class, John is teaching summer school, and Shona is IN summer school. It all finally ends July 1, which means I'll go nuts with everyone home or I'll love it. We'll find out which it is very soon.
I have had zero motivation lately, for pretty much everything. I haven't wanted to scrap, I haven't wanted to walk (but I do that anyway), I haven't wanted to do my school work (I definitely do that anyway), and I certainly don't want to do housework. That I only do on a necessity basis. Hopefully that will end soon.

Katy had a wonderful time on her band trip to Florida. No marching photos, but she did have friends snap a few photos here and there. I think she was a little tired of riding on the bus, which is what the majority of the time was wasted on, but you can't have it all on a 5 day trip to Florida from the midwest. I think now she is very excited at the thought of her senior trip. I hope hers is better than mine!

She was very nice to bring back souvenirs for everyone, too. Or should I say
souvenears? Shona loves hers, although I made her put them up until she's older. That or we go back to the Magic Kingdom. Maybe someday.

Shona's big excitement was a trip with her Girl Scout trip to the zoo. They also did a Build-a-Bear workshop, where she came home with a very cool pink leopard named Pinky Pie. We all went along, and did some shopping afterward. Katy even met up with her boyfriend and he helped her pick out a prom gown for next year. Hey, a guy who shops and is a bargain hunter. It can't last because I like the boy. The kiss of death to any relationship!

The big news this week is that I finally got my hair all chopped off...short. Well, short for me. I usually don't go above the ears, but I'm old, I'm tired of fooling with it and it was beyond repair. OK, so that's not big news. Not really. Unless you live in Anita world. Then it's about all the thrill you can handle.

Katy's big news for the month is...she got a job! Woo hoo! She started at McDonald's tonight and already says she loves her uniform. I'm shocked and amazed, but at least it's comfy.

Now if the goofball would just take herself seriously for one moment for me to get a good scrapbook pic. She knows me far too well. She got dressed in her gear and brought me the camera, saying "I know you will want to scrap my first job." Gotta love when you have them trained!
That's about it for now. Next week the real fun begins with the whining of "I'm boooooooooooooooooooored."
What a goofball you have for a daughter. She looks good in her uniform though, as do you in your new haircut! Very cute!!
And I vote for another trip to Magic Kingdom so Shona can play with her ears now ;)
Looks like it's a busy/good summer! I can't wait to hear how DD likes her McDonald's job!
Congrats to Katy on the job!!! Love the new do!
Thanks for the family update. Sounds like all's well. Love the get scrapping!
I finally read your blog again! I would read it more if you updated more often. ;-) I like that first pic of Katy in her uniform--fun! Love the new do, by the way. You look great!
These photos cracked me up!!! The McD one was too funny. Have you scrapped it yet?
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