Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Trouble with Photo Shoots

OK, girls, I need to get a good photo for this year's Christmas card. It should only take a few minutes, so get along, smile nicely and sit up straight.
Not terrible, but it's too dark. Darn flash. Let's try again.
Yeah, yeah, cute. Stop goofing off and let me get a picture, would you?

No, REALLY, STOP goofing off and let me get a good picture.

Can you two stop picking at each other for five minutes and stop the goofing off long enough to just get a picture?

Let's move inside and try by the tree. Shona, did you get my memo about NO FUNNY FACES!? One picture. Just one picture. Is that too much to ask?!

You DO know I will keep at this all night, right? I'm not going anywhere until I get a decent shot.

Not bad. We might go with that one, let's keep trying.

For Pete's sake.... STOP ARGUING! This light isn't working for me. Let's try outside once more. Yes, I KNOW it's cold and it's going to be freezing and dark out soon, so if you don't want to be out there getting your toes frostbitten, I suggest you pretend to like each other for two minutes, smile nicely into the camera and let me get ONE good shot. I mean it, girls, I do have all night to do this!

Bingo. Thanks, ladies. Same time, same place next year. Just don't bring the attitude.


Catherine said...

LOL!! Looks like a typical photo session at my house, too, only the boys are usually trying to goose one another.

Carolyn F said...


Laura said...

I think you ended up with an awesome card! Love all the others and can't wait to see the layout (hint hint).

Anonymous said...

Your card came out great and you know you always crack me up!!!

Unknown said...

That was too funny Anita!!!! I can totally feel your pain! Went thru this the other night but ended up with an adorable picture of a booger nosed two year old! LOL