Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Decking the Halls

I finally feel like it's Christmas time. Before we got the house dressed, it felt like just another blah week, but the lights have put me in a holiday mood. I went a little crazy in the dining room because it had the most empty space to decorate. I've never had this much space to play with before, and that's sad since my house is not that big. I'm thrilled that I finally have somewhere to put the little "It's a Wonderful Life" houses my cousin has been sending me, too. That mirror we picked up at a garage sale this summer really enhances that end of the dining room. The only problem is that tall, dancing and singing Santa in the corner freaks out my dogs. It took two days for them not to bark at it standing still and I don't dare turn it on with them in the house.
I have a "new" Christmas item this year, but it's an antique. You light the candles, the heat from the flames rises and makes the top thing turn, which makes the angels spin around and when they go fast enough, they strike the bells. We tested it out the other night and it works great. I'll have to get a shot of it in action. That's about it in Anita world. I'm still plugging away at my classes, getting ready for finals in about a week. I can't wait to have a month off to do what I want...which is scrap!


Janelle Shultz said...

so glad you're in the holiday spirit! love that antique...never heard of anything like it!

Carolyn F said...

I have antique ornaments like that from my great granmother's tree that spin when the lights beneath them heat up. Unfortunately we don't have hot enough lights to make them spin.

Sandra a.k.a. scrapfreak1 said...

it's beginining to look alot like christmas... you are in that spirit girl.. GO WITH IT>>>

Catherine said...

Your dining room looks wonderful!

Laura said...

OMG I have one of those!!! Whenever I try to explain it to people they look at me like I'm from another planet. It's one of those things my grandparents had that I always remembered as a kid and my grandma gave it to me the Christmas after my grandpa died.
LOVE your dining room Anita!

Anonymous said...

Anita, your house looks so beautiful!! I want to come over and hang out with you!