Sunday, September 09, 2007

Just another weekend

Come on, fall. I am ready for the big cool down and it just isn't happening yet. It still feels like summer. We had a lazy weekend, although I did manage to catch up on laundry. I decided after the four tests and paper from last week, I deserved a mental vacation, and I took one yesterday. I did a little bit of scrapping, played some games with Shona and just vegged out as much as I could. Today it was back to reading assignments, but it wasn't so bad. That one day helped immensely.
I finally broke down and bought one of those little bags of candy corn pumpkins today. I'm rationing them, though. They go into the freezer and I will only thaw one at a time. If I don't, I'll make myself completely ill on them in a week. I just have no willpower when it comes to those darn pumpkins.
Onward to the next school day. How many more days until the end of the semester?

1 comment:

Catherine said...

LOL at rationing the candy pumpkins! I'm sure you're doing a wonderful job at school and every once in a while you just have to veg!