Friday, May 12, 2006


Ahhhhhhhhhhh sweet stress. I've missed you so. Oh, wait. You never went away. Work still sucks. We are in the midst of a cold war with the office boss because he knows we turned his butt in on a lot of the crap he's been pulling. I don't think anything will ever come of the complaints we all formally lodged, but here's hoping human resources does more than slap wrists.

Now for the fun news. The house is going on the market, I am quitting my lovely job (YEEEEESSSSSSS!) sometime next month and we are moving in July. John starts work on his Master's Degree this summer and will be gone evenings. We are going to finish building the room we started in hopes of getting a decent price for the house, plus a new roof is going on in a week or two. We are cleaning and reorganizing and beginning to pack, but that's going to be a slow process. Oh, and somewhere in the middle of this summer's madness, we get to travel all the way to D.C. so John can have his third and final checkup with the Navy to prove he is still unfit to return to active duty. Yeah, D.C. Yikes. That is one long trip ahead and I am not looking forward to it. I am trying to find the good here somewhere with this much happening at once. I guess if I survive the summer at least it'll all be overwith, huh?

Must scrap. Must destress. ;)

1 comment:

Briana said...

Sorry you have been stressed but yay about the job!