Friday, November 05, 2010
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Aug 3 - 12

August 3
This is what happens when you let Shona play in makeup. If the caveman look ever comes back in style, she's ready.

August 4
Mandy decided to take over the kitchen for a day. Everyone was so afraid they'd starve with the main cook of the house gone for a week. Hmph. It isn't that I can't cook, I just don't enjoy it. Microwaves are my friends.

August 5
A lovely view of my clogged sink. Three days, a plumber and $75 later...maybe I should have been the cook for the week. ;)

August 6
Typical. Katy shows off, Shona tries to copy. I don't think Katy realizes just how much her little sister looks up to her. Just a pest in teen world.

August 7
John spent a week in Dayton, Ohio for a Civil Air Patrol training camp. I confess my eyes glaze over when the words "Civil Air Patrol" are strung together in a sentence, so I know nothing of the trip other than that it was in his stomping grounds. He got to go to his favorite pizza joint in the world. Happy man.

August 8
Not as happy as when he got to go to Skyline, though. That is his favorite eatin' place in the entire world, bar none. Is it just me, though, or does it look as if he is being held up?

August 9
Silly kid moments. I do like those. Um, ignore my messy kitchen. I was dealing with a broken sink. No comment on the living room.

August 10
Probably the last bloom I'll get this season from my potted flowers.

August 11
My front flower bed. Doesn't it look marvelous? This is what happens when a three week grounding sentence gets commuted to hard labor. Time is nearly served. Another day and my rose bed will be equally lovely, as will the area around the gas tank. Maybe I should encourage the teens to break rules more often.

August 12
Pedey is such a wimp. He will climb onto the porch and bark at Bailey as if he were king of the land. Let her be on his level, though, and things change in a hurry.
Monday, August 03, 2009
July 31 - August 2

July 31
I drove two hours to my hometown and spent the afternoon with friends. While I was there, we dropped by the Windston Churchill Memorial so I could snap some photos.

I love the old Christopher Wren church (where Churchill gave his "Iron Curtain" speech) and the section of the Berlin Wall sitting in front of it. What a neat place, but I always forget to appreciate that it's right there in my own hometown.

August 1
Shona usually hates wearing jeans. It is a battle every year to buy school clothing for her because of this. This year, though, she tried on a dozen pair, picked out five and even liked them so much she wanted to wear a pair to "break them in" before school. I wasn't about to argue with her newfound love of jeans!

August 2
An old covered bridge in my home town. Up until about ten years ago, it was just another part of traffic in town. They finally closed the road off, refurbished the bridge and made it foot traffic only. It really is a lovely little place.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
July 28 - 30

July 28
It seems every time we have the slightest rain storm, we lose branches all over the yard. Some can be pretty big and fall into the street. One day I'm afraid one will crash through the roof.

July 29
Katy, modeling her new school jeans...that she just couldn't wait until school to wear.

July 30
Katy bought herself a car this week. It is a 1994 Chevy Camaro with a T-top. It only cost $550, but it runs well and Katy is in love with it. She is putting new tires on, it needs a new bumper and will eventually need a new paint job, but the look on her face pretty much says it all.

The reason for the paint job: a replacement door that didn't quite match in color.

Monday, July 27, 2009
July 27

July 27
A giant bust that sits in front of the municipal building downtown. I have no idea who the man is. If the historical society nearby were ever open on a day I could go in and investigate, I might find out. Still, it's an interesting thing to find.
Ice Age 3 was pretty darn funny. I had my doubts since it is the third installment, but we all got a laugh out of it. John was fine through the movie, then started feeling poorly again afterward. Today he is heading to the doctor.
Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 26
Of course, when you read the first two, you must read the third. It was probably the most enjoyable for me. The plot and writing were both pretty good.
It is a lazy Sunday here. John is finally feeling better and we had a visit from my sister this morning. On a whim, she and her husband drove two hours to eat at a certain restaurant they enjoy. There was a two hour wait to be seated, and by the time they ate and left, it was too late to drive home without fear of falling asleep. They got a room for the night and had to buy toiletries. This morning, as they drove home, they stopped in to visit for a few minutes but had to leave because they hadn't even grabbed medication before they left. I told her she was getting too old for this whim stuff...planning is better! :)
We are going to see Ice Age 3 today. Well, three of us are. Katy works tonight from 6 p.m. until 2 a.m., so she is resting.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Me again
Why do I always think summer will be a time of relaxation, with oodles of down time for doing absolutely nothing? It never is. It's always filled with things I've been putting off during the school year and the madness of preparing for the next school year. But enough of my whining and on with the 365 project. I had to take some fillers because life has been crazy. See above paragraph.

June 30
My little rebel.

July 1
It's not a princess tower, but a window will do.

Aaaaaand skipping ahead to July 11
The railroad tracks run straight through town here. We can hear trains from our house, although not loudly enough to disrupt anything we might be doing. Downtown traffic is often stopped due to passing trains. It's fun to watch, unless you're in a hurry.

July 12
My roses are wilting and it isn't even dreadfully hot. Time to deadhead a few.

July 13
This interesting metal "sculpture" is outside the public works building in town. I always smile when I pass that thing.

July 14
Just a shot of one of the water towers in town.

July 15
I love the architecture of many downtown buildings. The post office is one of my favorites.

July 16
Suddenly, with no warning, Goodwill boxes popped up all over town. I like to have a place for used clothing because I am not up to a yard sale this year.

July 17
Our new neighbors across the street put up a street sign for their business.

July 18
We spent a couple of hours at the state park, and even let Shona fish. It's amazing how calm and relaxed she can be for several hours during fishing. She didn't catch anything, but she enjoyed the process.

July 19
Happy birthday to DH! We kept it low key at his request.

July 20
I picked up the book Twilight for a few bucks just to annoy Katy. All I've heard from her is a long whine about how stupid the series is, how lame the kids at school are who read it, and how she wishes it would just go away. So I decided to read it. The writing was pretty bad, but the plot was good. I'm not a fan of the whole vampire genre, but I managed to enjoy the book. It just about killed Katy that I did.

July 21
The Photo Pass CD arrived. Wahoo!!

July 22
It's school supply buying time again. Shona is just a little bit excited and I can't believe she will be in the 4th grade.

July 23
Katy's mismatched shoes strike again. This time with '80's style ripped pants to match.

July 24
Katy was so annoyed that I enjoyed Twilight, I decided to buy the next book in the series. I didn't enjoy the plot as much, but at least the writing improved.

July 25
They have been working on the road at the end of my street forever, or so it seems. Today they put up traffic lights. The things aren't working yet, but they are up. I am excited because I won't have to fight highway traffic or go the back way anymore!

June 30
My little rebel.

July 1
It's not a princess tower, but a window will do.

Aaaaaand skipping ahead to July 11
The railroad tracks run straight through town here. We can hear trains from our house, although not loudly enough to disrupt anything we might be doing. Downtown traffic is often stopped due to passing trains. It's fun to watch, unless you're in a hurry.

July 12
My roses are wilting and it isn't even dreadfully hot. Time to deadhead a few.

July 13
This interesting metal "sculpture" is outside the public works building in town. I always smile when I pass that thing.

July 14
Just a shot of one of the water towers in town.

July 15
I love the architecture of many downtown buildings. The post office is one of my favorites.

July 16
Suddenly, with no warning, Goodwill boxes popped up all over town. I like to have a place for used clothing because I am not up to a yard sale this year.

July 17
Our new neighbors across the street put up a street sign for their business.

July 18
We spent a couple of hours at the state park, and even let Shona fish. It's amazing how calm and relaxed she can be for several hours during fishing. She didn't catch anything, but she enjoyed the process.

July 19
Happy birthday to DH! We kept it low key at his request.

July 20
I picked up the book Twilight for a few bucks just to annoy Katy. All I've heard from her is a long whine about how stupid the series is, how lame the kids at school are who read it, and how she wishes it would just go away. So I decided to read it. The writing was pretty bad, but the plot was good. I'm not a fan of the whole vampire genre, but I managed to enjoy the book. It just about killed Katy that I did.

July 21
The Photo Pass CD arrived. Wahoo!!

July 22
It's school supply buying time again. Shona is just a little bit excited and I can't believe she will be in the 4th grade.

July 23
Katy's mismatched shoes strike again. This time with '80's style ripped pants to match.

July 24
Katy was so annoyed that I enjoyed Twilight, I decided to buy the next book in the series. I didn't enjoy the plot as much, but at least the writing improved.

July 25
They have been working on the road at the end of my street forever, or so it seems. Today they put up traffic lights. The things aren't working yet, but they are up. I am excited because I won't have to fight highway traffic or go the back way anymore!
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