Wednesday, September 05, 2007


This week in school is all about tests. I have one in all but one class this week, and in that one I had to write a paper. I think they are trying to kill me. The one that irritated me most was the one I studied the hardest for, only to find out 75% of the questions on the test weren't on the material we were told to study. That was a rude shock. He said not to worry about it because we could throw out our lowest test score, but that even fair to test over material we aren't even supposed to have read yet? The joke was on him, though, because I was an incredibly lucky guesser and I wound up with an A anyway. So HA on him! I have my backup A and I can save it in case I screw up another test down the road.
Overall I'm enjoying classes. They are a lot of work, which they are supposed to be, but I think I'm adjusting. Some of it I even like, but don't tell.
Off to study. Hopefully tomorrow we'll be testing on things we actually covered.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Don't you hate it when they think you're supposed to learn things by osmosis??? Good luck on all those tests!