Saturday, June 16, 2007

Seven things....

So I've been tagged....twice! Still, I'm stopping at seven. That's difficult enough, even when I'm not sleep deprived and worn out.

These are the rules.... each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of their blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment. So, time for my 7 random facts:

1. Since everyone else is talking about their spelling bee champ status, I might as well come clean and declare that I was the third grade spelling bee champion. I won with the word "encyclopedia," and I'm still proud of that fact, so nyah.

2. I love to be outside, but it doesn't like me. I burn very easily, I'm allergic to so many plants that I'm paranoid about touching anything I can't identify (and that isn't much...thank goodness my hubby is a science teacher), and I am allergic to many bees and wasps. So....I stay indoors and gaze longingly out the window. I can take a hint. I know where I'm not wanted.

3. I want another tattoo, but since I doubt I'll ever decide what I want, I probably won't get one.

4. I have had two moments in my life when I truly thought I was dying, and I was disappointed both times when my life didn't flash before my eyes. Maybe when it does, I'll actually be dying and won't be disappointed...but then I won't be able to tell anyone.

5. I know from experience that if you die in your dreams, you do NOT die in real life. Just thought you'd want to know that. ;) And that is totally unrelated to number four.

6. Anytime you work on a house, it always takes longer than you think it will. Always!

7. Today is the anniversary of the day I met my husband (June 16th). It was 17 years ago and I still mark it on my calendar. Does that make me a romantic? :)

I'll have to tag people later. I'm worn out tonight. See number six.


Melanie said...

I always love reading random facts about people. It's always good to get to know you better, Anita! :)

Catherine said...

Great list of random facts!

The Mom said...

I am loving reading all these facts about people!

Good luck with the house!!

Carolyn F said...

Interesting stuff!

Anonymous said...

Anita, you are nothing but a hopeless romantic!!!!