Saturday, April 28, 2007

Small update

Wow, it has been a while since I posted last. Every waking moment it seems has been consumed with house selling, house hunting and at long last, house buying. We put in an offer on a home here a few days after we closed on our old one. We wound up not choosing the house we made the verbal offer on because their response wasn't acceptable to us. Their loss! This is the house we picked out instead:

It isn't huge, but it works for us, it's in a wonderful neighborhood, and it has a lot of curb appeal. There's a lovely street lamp in the front and a porch with a swing. The backyard is pretty big with plenty of room for Shona and Bailey to run. We have, however, hit a snag. Yes, we offered, they countered and we accepted, but the next day our realtor discovered a discrepancy in the square footage of the house in the tax documents vs. what it was listed as. While the number doesn't matter to me, it matters a great deal to the appraisal experts and if the house doesn't appraise for what we agreed on price-wise, that would kill the deal. Why can't anything ever be simple? House selling and buying certainly isn't for the faint of heart and it isn't for quick-tempered people.


Catherine said...

Hope things come together!

Just Say Julie said...

it does look beautiful! love the tree in the front!

The Mom said...

(((HUGS))) House hunting is not as easy as they make it look on those shows on HGTV!!!

Melanie said...

I love the porch! I hope it all works out!