Thursday, February 08, 2007

Just another day

Today was just another day in a string of days, all like one another. They're becoming a blur. I decided to cheer myself up last night by making a list of the top five reasons I will be happy to move back to my old house. First, as much as they drive me insane, I will be closer to family. Usually that's a bad thing, but with my grandmother heading into her sixth week in the hospital and my being over two hours away from that hospital, the distance is palpable.
Second, better job and school opportunities for me. I won't have to fight the ridiculously tight job market here. There are more schools to choose from up north, too.
Third, access to shopping. I have to drive an hour in any direction to get to decent shopping from this town. I can cut that in half up north.
Fourth, at least we would be out of this sardine of a rental house and would have room to breathe again.
Fifth, Katy would be back with her old friends, and I know she misses them a lot.

That's about all I can come up with at the moment, but it does make me feel better. One of the houses we had been strongly considering before the contract on ours fell through is currently under contract. I saw it on the sign when I drove past today and in a way it was a letdown, but then it was also a relief. At least they are getting their house sold. Good for them. I may never know what that feels like but I can be happy for someone else when it happens to them. ;)


Laura said...

I'm so sorry things aren't working out the way you had hoped. But it's good that you are looking at the positive things that will come out of it.

Just Say Julie said...

Way to stay upbeat!! I hope every good thing happens to you all soon!

The Mom said...

I'm sorry to hear about the house but you have a great attitude!! Good luck and I hope all works out!!

Anytime you want some digital scrapping tips let me know, it is pretty easy!! And fun too, I only wish I could crank out paper layouts as quickly as I could the digital ones.


Melanie said...

I'm glad you're able to stay upbeat about this, Anita. When our house didn't sell for a year, I just avoided thinking about it. I'm still crossing my fingers for you!