Friday, January 26, 2007

Gloom, despair and agony on me....

Ahhhh, Hee Haw. Now that was a show. I used to think they wrote that song just for me!

I've been avoiding my blog. Hiding out anywhere on the web but here. I hate writing when I have nothing positive to write about, so I've been meandering through scrap sites, news sites, shopping sites, even People Magazine online in hopes of not coming here to write. But here I am because eventually I'll get that "Why haven't you updated your blog" question.

No news is bad news on the house. I know it's being shown, but there are no offers. There was hope of one last week, but I guess they decided to buy something else. It has been well over six months and I have given up hope. I hadn't before, but now the entire thing has dragged on so long there is no end in sight.

The weather has really taken its toll on my mood. The ice storms that swept through here left us without power off and on for days. The worst was the coldest night of the year and our power went off around 5 p.m. It didn't come back on until about 9 a.m....we tried to get a hotel room, but the people fleeing Springfield had filled every room in town and the weather was far too bad to try to drive outside the city. That was our second outage but it wasn't our last. I was so frustrated with a lack of backup heat. At least at our house we have a woodburning furace and a woodburning fireplace to keep us warm. This is the worst storm damage they've had in decades here, but it sure doesn't leave me with a good taste in my mouth about the town. I can't stand cold weather and I dread ice storms like that one. It leaves you feeling so helpless. We did make the best of the situation by wrapping in blankets and playing games by flashlight. The girls even played a handheld game for a while by flashlight. And yes, of course I took pictures. The creepiest part of the whole storm was listening to the trees splintering. I know we heard limbs fall every five minutes or so for days on end. The dog was freaked out by it the first night and wouldn't stop barking, but the second night she totally ignored it.

Another problem with the storms is it kept school out for over a week. Now they've lost spring break to make up for it and still will have to make up two additional days on top of that.

My grandma took a severe turn for the worse today. She had cancer surgery on the third and has been hospitalized since. She was making great progress and was out of the ICU, then something happened. She now has pneumonia with a high fever and they aren't sure she is going to make it. I think that's the roughest part of today, just hearing that she might end her life in a cold, sterile hospital and I can't get up to see her anytime soon.

That's enough cheerfulness for one night.


Laura said...

I was here searching for a new update last night - you must have been reading my mind ;)
I'm so sorry things aren't going the way you want with the house situation. I keep hoping that house will sell. I think real estate is slow everywhere right now.
I'm really sorry to hear about your grandma's turn for the worse Anita. It has to be so hard knowing she isn't doing well and that you can't get to her. My thoughts and prayers are with you girl!
Hang in there - life will get better. Lots of hugs!

Anonymous said...

I am so so sorry about your Grandma. :(
And the winter weather really does SUCK. I think I am getting that seasonal affect disorder. I think I may have to buy one of those lamps! Hey, it would light up my scrap area anyway. :p

Melanie said...

Our house was on the market for over a year. What a relief when we only had one mortgage to pay off. That day will come for you, too, Anita. Good luck!
I'm so sorry about your grandma. I hope you'll be able to see her soon. Hugs!