Friday, September 22, 2006

Doggie SAT test?

Bailey and I take a walk every day. Sometimes we vary when and where, but mostly we have a tried and true path we take that seems to keep us away from most of the traffic and barking dogs. Since all the dogs we encounter on our walks are safely behind fences, she always feels the need to strut her stuff and make them feel inferior to her "freedom" to roam outside the fences. I roll my eyes at her and yank her leash to remind her that I'm in charge of that freedom, but I normally get snapped at or that regal nose in the air look.
I had a sick one at home all day today, so poor Bailey had to wait for a walk until someone came home to relieve me of sickie duty. It almost killed her to wait that long, so it was a very fast paced, happy trot we were at when we swung around our usual corner and suddenly came face to face with a huge, growling, angry dog in a yard. We froze. My first thought was that my hyper, yappy little dog was going to A. tear that big dog to smithereens like she shreds paper in my house (most recently my phone book) or, more likely, B. become mincemeat at my feet. It took me a second to realize I was hearing silence from the other end of my leash, and when I looked down I saw a dog I didn't even recognize. At my side was the most docile, desperate dog I'd ever seen, hunched down in a gesture that unmistakably said "please don't eat me!" Smart dog.
In the next instant, as I stood frozen, wondering how to get out of the situation, I heard a vehicle stop behind me and someone ask "Ma'am, is that your dog?" I turned around and saw...and I still cannot believe it myself... animal control. How they came to be there at that exact moment I will never know, but I'm not above considering it a minor miracle! Only John has that sort of luck. I never do. I was never happier to see anyone in my life. He took care of the animal and we went on our merry little way. What a close call.
It took a while, but before we even made it back home, Bailey thought she was queen of the road again, barking at rabbits and rumbly trucks. It's good to know her psyche wasn't permanently damaged and I'm impressed that she knows when to terrorize and when to shut her yap. Maybe she's a genius and I just don't appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for animal control! And hooray for dogs that know when they're about to be eaten!

Laura said...

Smart dog Bailey! How fortunate for animal control to show up just then. Wouldn't be my luck I can tell you that!
You have the journaling done now you can do that lo! :D

Bonni said...

I agree with Catherine...MUST SEE LO!! Poor baby, got all scared and stuff...I am afraid I would have been in the middle of a huge dog fight had it been me and Buddy...Sounds like someone had already called animal control, maybe??