Thursday, March 23, 2006

Change is good

Another day, another dollar...or 50 cents after taxes. John is wrapping up his college career in a few short weeks. I can't believe it's almost over. We've scrimped and struggled for him to attend school full time for the past few years so he could finish his degree. The first week of May will finally bring an end to it all. I sometimes feel a twinge of guilt because I haven't always been the most supportive of wives, but then I do what I can just to get through each day anymore. I'm so tired of it all. I'm running out of steam with full time work, getting Katy back and forth to every extra cirricular activity she signs up for, and trying to keep Shona happy while John gets his work done. Remind me again why I felt the need to add a new puppy into the mix? Oh yes, comic relief. That's right.

So now we are at a crossroads. John is looking into jobs all over, from Washington, D.C. to our own local school and at this point, anything is possible. He (almost!) has a degree that allows him to teach all sciences, not just one, so I think he has a good shot at a decent job. I'm torn, though. Part of me would love to just chuck it all, sell the house and start over somewhere else, but I know the kids would hate to rip up roots and move. Katy would, anyway. She is starting high school this fall. Shona is starting first grade. I'd hate to do that to them, but where John gets a job dictates where we move, so they know it's a possibility. I think I'm intrigued most by a private school in Oklahoma City that has shown a strong interest in John. They keep requesting more information and I know he is in the top three. Only time will tell.

As for me, I passed my state test, so if any jobs open up for the new job title I'm eligible for, I can interview. The new classification pays more, so I am crossing my fingers that something will open up that I would be perfect for. Then again, part of me is also hoping we'll sell the house this summer and move to another state! I won't get my hopes up for anything in particular because there are just too many variables and too many ways this thing could play out. Whatever happens, though, I'm ready for a change. Bring it on.


Emma said...

I hope everything works out well with a job for John. Congrats on you both making it through the college time. Congrats to you on passing your merit test - hope you get to get a different job that makes it easier to go to work!

Just Say Julie said...

Any news on the job front?