Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A little help here?

I'm not sure I'm cut out for this blogging thing. I forget it's here most of the time and I prefer reading them to writing in them. I don't have time to sit down and figure out things like adding fun links down the side of my page, either. I'd love to list the blogs I frequent, but alas, I am blog code challenged. Hard to believe I taught myself basic HTML and did my webpage years ago. All that knowledge does me no good with this weird blogging system. You have to know *their* codes or you are up the creek sans a paddle.

However, today I feel like a celebrity. Felicia mentioned me in her blog "It's a Jungle in Here" so now I'm returning the favor. Of course, if someone out there would give me the lowdown on how to EASILY add those links down the side of my page (hint hint) I would love to link up to ScrapAddict permanently. Ahem. Oh, and if my Scrap Addict Secret Sweetie (you know who you are) wants to really wow me with something I would use every day, she could get a custom made sign for the top of my blog. I don't even know what they are called, a banner? Something with Basic Grey papers in the background. Something with grunge lettering. Of course, this mystery person would also have to instruct me on how to insert it at the top of my blog since I don't have time to get in there and figure it out for myself. Ah, a scrapping girl can dream, can't she?

Last night I spent about three hours making sketches. I'd fallen behind and had to make up for lost time. I even did one just winging it and I'm pretty impressed with myself. It's not that I mind making sketches, I just forget to. Like everything else. I have started carrying around a notepad to write myself notes. I think middle aged forgetfulness has hit full force. That and gravity. I will not look down. I will not look down. It aint a pretty sight.


Just Say Julie said...

I'm not your sweetie but I can help you with the links....it took me awhile but I finally figured it out...I'll pm ya!

Carolyn F said...

Can't wait to see the sketches!

Fee said...

Honey you do realize that I didn't make that banner thingy myself right? And I had to give Kim access to my blog to get it in there ROFL

I love ya :)