We got pounded with snow last night. School let out early and was cancelled for today. It only wound up being about 4", but that is enough to shut things down around here. I have to say I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a snow day this much. Perhaps it was because I was home with the girls and the hubby was gone. He had to leave at a ridiculous hour to go to the VA hospital. He has appointments every month or so because of his condition, and it was a shame it had to be on a snowy day, but we still managed to enjoy ourselves. Katy and I watched more episodes of The Golden Girls. We are about halfway through Season 3 and we are loving it. That's like comfort food to me and just hearing the theme song makes me smell popcorn and swear I hear cards shuffling.
Anyway, back to the snow. The big thing with snow for Shona is eating it. Give the girl a spoon and a bowl in a snowstorm, and she is one happy camper.

I even made a batch of snow ice cream for the girls, something I haven't done in years. I had some, too, and almost froze my lips off. It's worth it, though!

My favorite part of today was building a snowman with the girls. Katy and I did the heavy rolling and lifting, Shona helped mostly with the packing and choosing adornments for our new friend, Pierre. It's just a shame our new friend

won't be staying for long, since we are due to hit the 50's this weekend. So long, foul weather friend.
Now if someone could just get it through Shona's head that instigating a snowball fight with your big sister means taking your lumps of snow in the head as well.

And that there is NO pouting during the accessorization phase of snowman building. *sigh*